At A Glance

Integrating voice, acting, and dance, bv伟德ios下载音乐剧计划为不断变化的学科准备合作艺术家. 除了多种表现机会, 学生们参加了几门由音乐剧教授的以表演为基础的课程 活跃在纽约、密尔沃基和芝加哥的戏剧专业人士.

Degrees Offered

  • 音乐学士(B.M.)在音乐剧
    Master of Music (M.M.),主修音乐剧及声乐教育学 

Minors Offered

  • 辅修音乐剧

View Requirements

No. 2


bv伟德ios下载的音乐剧课程以全面的声乐训练和音乐技巧为特色, 丰富的表演经验, 以及各种舞蹈技巧和编舞课程.


bv伟德ios下载是全国仅有的十所提供音乐剧音乐学士学位的学院之一. 该项目为学生提供了一个学位,在这个学位中,他们学习了音乐剧的各个方面,并在声音方面进行了强化课程的培训, acting, and dance. 课程包括语音课程, dance classes, 以及在多部作品中演出的机会. 

获得音乐剧专业的音乐学士学位需要更深入地学习音乐理论课程, aural skills, choral ensembles, and piano. 这些音乐课程能让学生更好地理解音乐,掌握更广泛的技能,从而成为更自给自足的表演者. 技能越多,越有市场!

想要试镜或了解更多关于这个节目? Contact 马修·霍兰德教授 at


音乐剧专业的学生在bv伟德ios下载有很多表演的机会. 从第一年开始, 学生可以参加多部作品的试镜, including musicals, plays, dance concerts, 以及bv伟德ios下载剧院的新戏剧计划. 课堂作业的展示增加了MT学生展示他们在MT行业的技能和准备的机会.


  • Olivia Litton ?25

    “It is beautiful. I feel like I am on vacation every time I walk to class because of how pretty the lake looks.”

  • Lorelai Amborn ?27

    “Carthage has 100 percent lived up to my high expectations and given me so many outlets to perform and watch my peers.”

  • Emily Halfmann ?25

    “The wonderful thing about Carthage is that there are many different types of performance opportunities, so if you don’t get cast in a show right away, there are other opportunities to audition and perform within the department.”

  • Emma Faucault-Miller ?27

    “I chose Carthage because of the community. Everyone I’ve met here has greeted me with open arms and has allowed me to always be my true self!”

  • Elizabeth Neybert ?25

    “My advisors and professors have encouraged me to take risks and take advantage of opportunities that are presented to me. They have helped me grow as a student and as an artist.”

  • Danae Palmer ?25

    “I look at videos of my performances or essays and compare them to where I am now, and it’s so refreshing to see how much experience I’ve gained and how much I learned.”

  • Trevor Milne

    “Carthage is a college that provided me with a great education in multiple areas of study. While most other schools are known for either their music or STEM programs, Carthage has great programs for both.”



  • 私人声乐课程(4年)
  • Dance (4 years)
  • 音乐剧历史
  • 多种音乐剧技术课程
  • Acting I, II
  • 游戏阅读与分析
  • Stagecraft
  • Costumes and Makeup

Course Descriptions



  • 芝加哥抒情歌剧院
  • Steppenwolf剧院(芝加哥)
  • 古德曼剧院(芝加哥)
  • 密尔沃基话剧团
  • 万豪剧院(伊利诺斯州林肯郡)
  • Six Flags
  • 音乐及戏剧作品
  • 北京环球影城

一些学生继续他们的教育, 攻读教学方面的研究生学位, directing, drama, vocal performance, or opera. 了解更多关于bv伟德ios下载的音乐硕士在音乐剧声乐教育学



个人奖学金最高可达10美元,000可能提供给音乐剧专业的学生, 同时每年为有突出潜力的学生提供学术奖学金.



Guest Artists: 多亏了我们的校园位于芝加哥和密尔沃基之间, 学生与导演发展关系, casting agents, 和同行的艺术家提供宝贵的学习和专业经验.

Study Abroad: 音乐剧专业的学生曾在爱尔兰演出过, Scotland, and China, 随着更多机会的出现.

学生组织: 优等生可以加入音乐荣誉协会Lambda Kappa或国家戏剧荣誉协会Alpha Psi Omega. 对于其他的表演途径,一些人加入了一个无伴奏合唱团或即兴剧团“仅仅是玩家”.
